2024 Stake Monthly Messages

For the Strength of Youth:
Jesus Christ Will Help You

Daniel Ilunga
Stake YSA Committee Co-Chair

The Savior, Jesus Christ, will give us comfort and peace, he will help us grow and allow us to see ourselves with an eternal perspective.

As we know, we live in a time full of troubles challenges and difficulties; today, everyone’s situation is different, and sometimes the future might look uncertain. Despite these uncertainties, we can acknowledge how blessed we are to have this restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives.

Our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness is designed to make our lives better and allows us to find happiness. Despite this plan called the plan of happiness, we still have to go through pain and challenges sometimes so we may grow, have eternal experiences, and become more like our Father in Heaven and the Savior, Jesus Christ. What is the meaning of joy without pain? And what is the meaning of pain without joy?

This life was not meant to be easy, but it is worth living with joy knowing there is a better end. As we walk through this mortal journey, Elder Jeffrey Holland said:

Don't you quit. You keep walking, you keep trying, there is help and happiness ahead.

Some blessings come soon. Some come late. Some don't come until heaven.

But for those who embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in Good Things to Come.

Jesus Christ, the center of this plan, is the only reason and refuge that will give us happiness in these latter days when we place Him at the center off our lives.

He, Jesus Christ, said in D&C 6:36, “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.”

As we turn unto Him and place Him at the center of our lives, in joy or in pain, the Savior, Jesus Christ, will give us comfort and peace. He will help us grow and allow us to see ourselves with an eternal perspective.

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