December Stake Focus

Stay on Task, Receive Ordinances

President Emmi Becker
Stake Young Women President

As we look towards eternity, let us look at ourselves and think about what God would have us do.

The Twelve Principles of Self-Reliance

  1. Exercise Faith in Jesus Christ (D&C 104:15)

  2. Use Time Wisely (Alma 34:32)

  3. Be Obedient (D&C 130:20–21)

  4. Manage Money (D&C 104:78)

  5. Work: Take Responsibility (D&C 42:42;  2 Nephi 2:16, 26)

  6. Solve Problems (Ether 2:18–19, 23;  3:1, 4)

  7. Become One, Work Together (Moses 7:18;  D&C 104:15–17)

  8. Communicate: Petition and Listen (D&C 8:2)

  9. Persevere (Hebrews 12:1;D&C 58:4)

  10. Show Integrity (Mosiah 4:28;  Job 27:5;  Articles of Faith 1:13)

  11. Seek Learning and Education (D&C 88:118–119)

  12. Stay On Task, Receive Ordinances (D&C 84:20;  1 Nephi 18:2–3)

I recall a recent Saturday this past October. The day was very busy for our family. My 3 middle kids had their last soccer game at the same exact time in 2 different locations. It was also my oldest daughter’s birthday and a youth temple trip was scheduled during the soccer games. My youngest daughter, who was 16 months old at the time, was in the stage of destroying everything. To try and figure out how everyone was going to get where, while taking care of the baby, was tricky. The first question was to my oldest-what do you want to do since it’s your birthday? At first, she was thinking she wanted to watch her siblings play soccer. She wanted to be with her family on her birthday and not be gone at the temple for several hours. Then, after watching General Conference, she decided that she needed to go to the temple because that was more important. After her decision, I prayed and felt like I should also go to the temple to be there with my daughter on her birthday. Thankfully, after some help from family, we were able to arrange for my stepdad to take one son to his soccer game, my mom to watch the baby, and my husband to get the other two kids to their soccer games. I’ll be honest, I do not like to ask for help and I do not like to miss my kids’ soccer games-especially their last ones. So I was not very excited to go to the temple. 

But then the blessings came. I was able to enjoy time with my daughter and other Young Women in the car ride. I was able to see the glow on my daughter’s face as she felt special that I was with her in a holy place on her birthday. I was also able to witness two recently baptized youth perform ordinances for their ancestors for the first time. In D&C 84:20, it reads, “Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest.

The Spirit was strong that day in the temple! I was able to feel peace, strength, and power just from being there and watching the strength of the youth. What an example they are to me! On the way home that day, we were able to stop at a beautiful apple orchard and get some delicious apple cider donuts-a fond memory that I will cherish. It was such a sweet way to end that joyful experience. 

In a talk by Dieter F. Uchtdorf entitled “Doing What Matters Most,” he talks about a plane crash that killed over 100 people and was only 20 miles from safety. After analyzing the plane from the crash, it was determined that everything worked perfectly except a small burnt out light bulb that started a chain of events leading to the crash. The crew had placed their focus on something that seemed to matter at the moment but lost sight of what was more important. Elder Uchtdorf said:

“The tendency to focus on the insignificant at the expense of the profound happens not only to pilots but to everyone. We are all at risk…Are your thoughts and heart focused on those short-lived fleeting things that matter only in the moment or on things that matter most?”

As I reflect back on my recent temple trip experience, I realize that my initial thoughts were not truly focusing on what mattered most. I had seen almost all of my kids’ other soccer games but I hadn’t been to the temple in a couple of months. I needed to set aside my pride and ask for help with my kids so I could make the best decision that day. When we include the Lord in our decisions, we are able to stay on task and see past things that are distracting. 

1 Nephi 18:2-3 states:

“Now I, Nephi, did not work the timbers after the manner which was learned by men, neither did I build the ship after the manner of men; but I did build it after the manner which the Lord had shown unto me; wherefore, it was not after the manner of men. And I, Nephi, did go into the mount oft, and I did pray oft unto the Lord; wherefore the Lord showed unto me great things.”

Nephi gives us this great example of praying and including the Lord in all we do to keep our minds and hearts set on His will. When this is done and we are focused on the right things, we are blessed immensely.

I have recently had two wonderful opportunities with the Young Women to deeply dive into the Young Women’s theme. The very last paragraph says:

“As I strive to qualify for exaltation, I cherish the gift of repentance and seek to improve each day. With faith, I will strengthen my home and family, make and keep sacred covenants and receive the ordinances and blessings of the holy temple.” 

Strive, seek, strengthen, make and keep-these are all action words that require effort and focus. With the busyness of our lives, it can be a hard balancing act and will require sacrifices on our part to have an eternal vision. We surely can’t grow if we are idle.  

As we look towards eternity, let us look at ourselves and think about what God would have us do. I pray that we can all see things beyond this world and truly begin to act upon what matters most. It starts with us making a goal and taking those steps to accomplish it. When we reunite with our Savior and our Heavenly Parents someday, we may regret not putting in more effort, but I doubt we will ever regret trying our best. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Emmi Becker
Stake Young Women President

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