
October Friend Spotlight

“We are all different. But the Lord’s prophets have always asked us to have unity. When you have unity, you love each other and work together….

Another way to build unity is by being a peacemaker. A peacemaker helps people see what they have in common. Even our differences can help us learn and grow.

If we are united and follow the Savior together, we can become what Heavenly Father wants us to be.”

— President Henry B. Eyring

New Book of Mormon Scripture Stories Collection

A new illustrated Book of Mormon Stories book is available on the church website. Paper copies will be available to purchase in the future.

2024 Stake Primary Song Playlists

Music Spotlight

Youtube Playlist

Spotify Playlist

Church magazine subscriptions are now free worldwide!

Tools for helping your family and child prepare for Baptism and continuing their journey on the Covenant Path.

Additional Resources

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