One Focus

Christ & The Temple

One Focus: His House and our Lord

Two Tools from Stake and Zone

Three Steps, Zion toward

Four paths gather Israel Home

Stake Focus 2024

“When you look at a temple, you should realize it is a symbol of Jesus Christ, as He is our Mediator with the Father. Only by Him and through Him can we reach our Heavenly Father.”
— President Russell M. Nelson

Live the Gospel of Jesus Christ

With the Savior and the missionaries, minister with love. As a Stake, achieve 100% Ministering Interviews.

Care for Those in Need

Invite friends to join you for H.O.P.E. (Humanitarian Outreach Partnership Effort) or JustServe projects to serve individuals in your community.

Give a Friend The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Include your testimony and how it has blessed your life.

Invite All to Receive the Gospel

Unite Families for Eternity

Discover stories about how your ancestors have been blessed by God. Record and share on Family Search, with your family, or in a personal journal.

Share Your Experiences


Use this form to share experiences learning, applying and sharing these principles with our stake.


Use this form to share experiences serving God’s children in our community.


Use this form to share invitations to come unto Christ by sharing the Book of Mormon - Another Testament of Jesus Christ.


Use this form to report your Family History experiences and the blessings that you have seen doing this great work.

Your submission will be reviewed for inclusion. They maybe edited to fit the needed format. We encourage everyone to share their stories, even if they don’t get seen on the website right away. We will be rotating stories occasionally as well, as we focus month-to-month on different aspects of our stake goals or feel they would be valuable to share at different times.

Live the Gospel Of Jesus Christ

  • Yes. Recently, lots of my friends have been struggling at school and they've been unhappy. So what I did one time is I messaged one of my close friends what I've been learning in the New Testament. My friend has tried reading the bible once a while ago and she said she didn't understand it much. So what I did a few days ago is I read the verses that I liked and that I thought were important, and I explained each one. Then I explained the meaning of the story and why it's so important. She was amazed and I think she liked it. I let her know that if she ever considers to try reading the bible again I would love to help her. :)

    Kaia M.

  • I shared the importance of Obedience, this month’s Self-Reliance principle, with a friend today while watching a volleyball game together! The Spirit was strong as we spoke.

    Nathan M.

  • We didn't know why the Lord moved us to a little trailer in the mountains. But participating in the Personal Finance Self-Reliance course helped us refine our discipleship and fix our finances - even though at the time, we didn't have much money and soon would have none.

    The Buras Family

Care for those in Need

  • A tornado can level a town, but build up a community. Working with Helping Hands to clean up after an EF5 helped prepare me to serve a mission - answering questions about the Church and showing that Christ-like service means actual service.

    Dane B.

Invite All To Receive The Gospel

  • A couple of months ago, while reading my scriptures before bed, I had the impression to share a copy of The Book of Mormon with a neighbor. I didn't do it right away. Then, during stake conference, I heard loved ones who have passed away are waiting for their loved ones here earth to hear and accept the gospel, then to perform their saving ordinances for them. I thought of my neighbor again. A few more weeks passed. A recent Sunday morning I woke up earlier than usual, alert and clear minded. As I tried to fall back asleep I thought of my neighbor again and realized I was awake for a reason! While the house was quiet, I got up, pulled out a new copy of The Book of Mormon, wrote my testimony in the front and marked some favorite passages. The next day, I delivered it to my neighbor. This experience reminds me of what my mission president taught about doing things on time if possible, but if not, do them anyway!

    Teresa S.

  • A little under 2 months ago, i brought someone to church. I encouraged him to study with the missionariesand he did, and this last Thursday March 16th,2023, on his birthday, he got baptised! I invited somebody that i had just met to the baptism and is now interested in investigating herself! That baptism was one of the most spiritual moments of my life, and my mission is clear... invite ALL to come unto Christ! I encourage anyone reading this to do the same!

    Cassandra F.

  • After Stake conference, I was inspired by the stories of those who have bravely shared the Book of Mormon with their friends. I also, randomly, felt like it was time for me to get a dog. The next week, I adopted a dog and its previous owner and I connected over a short discussion on shifts in views of morality that have occurred over the past 30 years. I later sent him a copy of the Book of Mormon with my testimony of how it helps me align my morals with God and he was happy to have a new theological book to read!

    Ryan A.

  • In the past year and years past, lots of close people in my life had decided to leave the church. It still feels so recent. However, I still invite my cousins to church activities and show them lots of love when I see them. Today, I sent a video to a close friend that had recently decided to leave the church a few months ago. The video was titled (I think), "To Whom Shall We Go?" And it was a small portion of a talk my M. Russel Ballard. He talks about that before you decide to leave the church, think about those experiences when you felt that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Ghost has impacted you. Or why you believed in the first place. And when you leave, then who will you turn to? I hope that the video impacts my friend, and that maybe he watches it and that he can think about the things that are said. I think that when close people in our lives leave the church, it shouldn't be us who are sad. It's probably those close people in our lives who are going through the hardest struggles. And that is why we need to be a light to the world and those people to give them the love that they need. That hopefully someday they may realize that they need to turn back to our Heavenly Father.

    Kaia M.

  • One of my co-workers asked me what the Book of Mormon was yesterday. Today I shared a Book of Mormon with her. Go "Normal and Natural"

    Jonathan P.

  • When we lived in Colorado, I had a repeated impression to invite my dear friend, Laura, to the Ft. Collins Temple Open House. It took courage, especially because it would be a four hour drive one way! I invited her, and she was thrilled to accept the invitation, explaining she had always wanted to go inside one of our temples. During our day going to the temple open house, she shared her lack of understanding about babies being baptized, as they are in her faith, but we had a transition right at that moment that kept me from sharing answers. This stake goal has prompted me to act on sharing the answers I know The Book of Mormon contains! So I am sharing a copy, with several passages about Christ's manner of baptism marked.

    Teresa S.

  • I just realized that in the decades since my mission, I can't remember giving out a single Book of Mormon. I need to repent and do better.

    I am not ashamed of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ, but I am chagrined by my lack of action.

Unite Families For Eternity

  • My family history journey started when I was 3 days old, sitting under a desk at the Federal Archives while my mom scoured microfilm. When I do the research my mother taught me to do, I feel closer to her and my ancestors who passed along this great work for us to do.

    Brother Buras

Because Jesus Christ is at the center of everything we do in the temple, as you think more about the temple, you will be thinking more about Him.” — President Russell M. Nelson